[ SK ] Recenzia ORPHICA REALASH a PURE – LBHauteFashion | Lukáš Balocký
Hi, I am Lukáš and today I am going to tell you about a new brand, which I had the opportunity to try.
It is a french company named Realash, which offers various serums, for lashes, brows or skin around the eyes.
They also have eye pencil, eyeliner and mascara.
Today I will have an eyelash serum and a serum for the skin around the eyes, which provides a proper skin hydration and helps to reduce wrinkles.
This is the product I am most elated about – Realash eyelash enhancer, which comes in a form of an eyeliner.
You have surely heard about this kind of “miraculous” serums.
To be honest, I was skeptical at first, but in the end, it was pleasant surprise for me.
Some people say, they see results after one month, which is also mentioned on their web.
I didn’t see much change after two months, but afterwards, it was like a miracle.
I applied a tiny line of serum every evening.
It's safe for the skin around the eyes, as it doesn't cause allergies or irritations.
It was ophthalmologically tested.
The only thing I've noticed during the first week of use was that, my eyes were more tired.
Perhaps it was just my personal feeling, or a coincidence.
My eyes were not irritated.
I have sensitive eyes but it didn't bother me much.
After the first week, everything was back to normal.
As I have mentioned, the miracle happened after two months, when I noticed that, new lashes began to grow, especially in the outer parts of my eyes.
It wasn’t like clusters, but like somebody glued new lashes there, similar to 3D lashes.
I will make sure to add “before” and “after” photos, so you can see the difference.
I was being constantly stopped by people and strangers, even during a date, asking me if my lashes were glued on.
I have noticed it, when comparing before and after photos.
The difference was really, really big.
I will make sure to put it in the video, so you can see it yourself.
I will show you how it looks live.
Let me come a little closer.
I don’t wear any mascara or anything like that.
I just dye my lashes with black dye, from time to time.
But I dyed my lashes even before I started using Realash.
I think it is apparent how beautiful and long they are.
I am fully satisfied with this serum.
I use it for more than three months, but not everyday, just few times a week to maintain the results.
It is 3 milliliters and there is still some left in the bottle.
The serum lasts for quite a long time and it works perfectly.
So that’s all about the product and guess what? I have a competition for you.
I hope you will like it.
You can win the serum.
If you are interested, you can comment under this video, with your e-mail address.
One of you will win the prize.
It costs €50, so I think you will like it.
Make sure to give me feedback on your experience with the serum.
I have another product here, eye serum from the same brand, which is called PURE.
I just love these droppers.
They are made from glass and look really elegant.
It contains vitamins A, E and slug slime extract.
It is really good for the skin around the eyes.
As you can see, it has a gel-like texture.
It is very light, watery, gel-like and refreshing.
I kept it in the fridge which added cooling effect to it.
The serum is perfect for those who don’t like greasy creams for under eye area.
It smoothes skin around the eyes, reduces dark circles and tired looks, which I guess, we all experience.
I hope you will enter the competition, by commenting under the video.
Leave your e-mail there and I will select one serum winner.
If you haven't liked the video yet, hit the “like” button.
You can find links to my other social media accounts below.
You can also find link to Realash brand there, you should definitely check it out.
I am looking forward to our next meeting, have a nice day.
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