Sony BRAVIA AG9 Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR OLED TV with Google Assistant | Expert Video | Currys PC World

Hi I'm with Mike Somerset TV marketingManager at Sony and today Mike we're going to take a look at the Sony BRAVIAOLED.
It looks fantastic! I cannot believe how thin it is butcrucially what's the picture
quality like? I think you're quite right tohighlight how slim it is one of the reasons you can do that with this TV isbecause it's an OLED TV.There's no backlight to an OLED TV, each pixelcreates its own light and the benefit of that means that when each pixel turnsoff its pure black but when they turn on they can be nice and bright, huge rangeof colors and lots and lots of details in the dark areas and in the brightareas, so it looks physically stunning from a design point of view, but thepicture quality is brilliant.
Another benefit that you get from OLED isexceptional viewing angles, it doesn't matter where you're sitting in the room, you're going to be getting the same picture quality which is really reallyimportant, and from a motion point of view, OLED is excellent when it comes toa blur free image so you get very natural motion, very very good picturequality throughout the board, so OLED technology completely revolutionised Iwould say what we'd expect to see from a picture quality on the TV.
And so what'sthe technology built in to help deliver that? Well I think the most importantpart of a TVs picture quality really is the processor and this uses somethingcalled the X1 ultimate processor that is the best image processor that Sony hasever created.
The better your picture processor, the better your picturequality and basically it creates the image that you're seeing.
It's able toidentify all the different objects on the screen, you know whether there's aperson or a car or a house, and process the picture quality for each of thoseobjects separately and then add them all back in together at the end.
A normalpicture processor wouldn't do that it would just process the whole screen inone but this is able to do all separate parts of the screen individually.
That'sall driven by something called Pixel Contrast Booster that's completelyunique to Sony OLED and in the AG9 this year.
It's a driver technology whichdrives each pixel to give you accurate and bright colors.
All in all the OLEDpanel technology plus the processor plus Pixel Contrast Booster, gives it a completely unique and absolutely revolutionary picture quality.
So it clearly delivers a great visual experience but what about the audio where do you fit the speakers in? That's one of the amazingly clever things about this TV, there's no visiblespeaker and the reason is, the screen is the speaker.
Now this is usinga technology called Acoustic Surface Audio Plus.
The benefit there is enhancedoverall sound quality so the way it works, is you have actuators positionedbehind the screen which invisibly vibrate the panels.
If you were to putthe back of your hand against TV you feel it vibrate but you can't see it, it's impossible to see.
Sound comes directly from the screen.
The soundsthat you hear are attached to the action on the screen someone's talking thesound feels like it's coming from their mouth but also because it's a largesurface area that sound quality itself is considerably better than the soundquality that you get from a traditional TV speaker.
Let's say you've got a 5.
1surround sound system and you don't want to use the screen sound, well this TV's got a really nice trick is called Center speaker mode.
What youcan do is instead of using your traditional centre speaker in yoursurround sound system, you simply plug the TV in as that centre speaker.
Soyou'd have your front left and right speaker, your rear left and right yoursubwoofer and no centre speaker which is normally awkwardly placed underneath the TV, it would now use the TV as the centre speaker.
We know it's a smart TV so itcomes with pre-loaded apps but does it have any other smart features? Well thisis an Android TV.
The great thing about this is that it has thousands, literallythousands of apps available through the Google Play Store.
So whether they're games or news channels or streaming video, streaming apps there'sso so much stuff, but also it's compatible with your smart phone so youmight have an iPhone at home, you might have an Android phone, you can simplyChromecast directly from your phone up onto the screen so it makes a reallynice connectivity.
But one really nice thing about this TV is it has GoogleAssistant built-in.
This is a very very clever system, it allows you to askquestions, it allows you to control devices, in this case you can control theTV completely you can turn it on and off, change the volume, search for content, alljust by using your voice.
And do you have the option to opt in or out of that? Yesabsolutely in fact by default won't be on so when you first set up theTV and you click on the Google Assistant button, it will ask you whether or notyou want to activate the microphone.
You can then switch it off at any point soif you don't want a microphone turned on on your TV, it's not a problem you can just leave it off.
But once it's on and you're using it, youcan use the TV to control other smart devices you could ask the TV to dim thelights if you're about to watch a movie for example.
It really is a super smartTV you can just do anything with this set.
So with all of that packed inthere's no need to go to the cinema anymore! This is actually part of what wecall the master series, what Sony called the best TV in each technology, so thisis the best OLED TV the Sony made.
The ethos behind Master Series is to delivera picture quality as close to the Directors intent.
On a film set aDirector would use a professional monitor and that is what they would wantthe user to see.
Now with the master series TV we make it as close to thatpicture quality as possible.
There's a whole lot of different technologies thatwe introduce to try and give you the best possible picture; Dolby vision, DolbyAtmos, IMAX enhanced for example, but this TV also has something called Netflixcalibrated.
So the idea is when you're watching Netflix content, you canswitch on Netflix calibrated mode and it will automatically adjust the picturequality to exactly as the Director would like you to see it, so it's Sony workingwith Netflix to deliver this perfect picture quality.
Great thanks very muchMike.
So that's the sony AG9 smart OLED TV delivering you a cinematic experienceto your home, and if you do want to find out more you can go to Currys PC Worldonline and in store.
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