How to use PresentationTube and VLC software to create YouTube compatible video

Hello guys, today i am going to demonstrateyou how to use PresentationTube as well as another software known as VLC code to convertoutput file of a

PresentationTube so that it can be uploaded on a YouTube channel veryeasily because we recently received so many requests related to how to convert that particularfile using VLC whether it supports HD resolution or not etc.

so that we are going to discusstoday so very first step that we need to do is to open a PresentationTuble so I am openingit on my system so you can see it over here but try to understand in my case PresentationTubeis there in a start menu button you may have and shortcut available on your Desktop.

firstof all let me explain why to use and PresentationTube PresentationTube is a great tool to captureaudio along with video as well as a output of a Powerpoint presentation on your screenthis Presentationtube software is freely available even if there is an pro version availablefree version had some limitation in contrast with pro version which allows you to fullscreen that particular screen so that you can use entire screen but there is no limitationon the duration of the work that you can execute using an presentationTube currently I am usinga presentationTube version number 3.

13 I have recently downloaded it you can check whichversion is available on internet when you are going to work with you very first thatI am going to do is to load a presentation to load a presentation first of all you needto click on open button over here and you need to browse to the location where you havesaved representation try to understand that presentation can be in PPT format it can bein PPTx format it can be in PPS format but other formats may not be supported like itdo not support format like we have in case of OpenOffice that it odt format is not supportedby this particular version are even if it is supported I have not personally checkedNow the second step that we need to do is to set a camera but for execution of thisparticular video I don't wanted to set any camera so I kept it off please try to understandblack colour indicate off and this red colour indicate on after you do that if in your systemyou have multiple cameras in this particular dropdownlist you can select which camera youwanted to use and which of the camera you don't wanted to use now I understand alongwith the settings we have by default four possible settings over here in this particularsetting on the output of camera will be visible and that's why you as an author will be visiblein this setting the PowerPoint presentation will be on left hand side and in this particularframe or we can say camera output will be visible but the main problem with this settingis the bottom part is wastage of the available screen this is the setting in which ok seethe PPT successfully imported and I have 38 slides over here we can click on Ok to acceptit then this setting it allows you to select camera position which is PIP picture in featuresof you can have on PPT going on in a background and as an front picture you can select andcamera output with this is the best where you can only show your PPT to the audiencenow see is here you can see the ppt and need to change of slide you can use this buttonsto change it the most important thing is here in this place you can see the next the upcomingslide and you can select some tool to mark on your PowerPoint presentation to highlightour to write something we have three different colours over here for example currently Ipicked black colour we can write in a black colour like this are even I can highlighta contents even I can choose another colour and I can write with that colour also knowto remove whatever you have written on the slide you can use this this will erase everythingthat you have written on a slide this is used to point out something but it will not writeanything on the screen but only pointer Will be captured another important section relatedto PresentationTube is related to media this media do few more important things with withPresentationTube just a rather than having just an PowerPoint presentation for exampleuseful tool over there is a draw for example I wanted to represent something like I wantedto draw in pyramid so I can do it like this to draw it using and simple paint relatedtool so these are the different tools that we can use for this and In fact we have aneraser over here we can draw some shapes also like this and we can explain those shapesyou can type some text over here inside the inside this you can even we can use a brushalso to colour some part in fact only difference between colour and pen is the width of thatparticular in that we can use in different colour to represent it and here we can eraseeverything by using by clicking on this button so this is an another useful tool that isused very much useful in case of teaching something Useful in case of teaching something thisis the right right situation in which you can type something for example welcome tothe presentation on like that right so this is and much more professional format to discusswith audience because here we can write something on the screen using and keyboard mouse ratherthan using a handwriting practice understand your handwriting me not bi which professionaluseful for example when you write it like your we can see that hundred is not very readablewhen your reservation is left another important type is wave here by clicking on the secondaxis and any particular website where you can show some video by putting a link in thisparticular section are Static and capture and entire screen not on a PowerPoint presentationtouch screen by clicking on this particular section know about the what we can do withthis like it is highly recommended ki before capture your presentation you should you shouldpractice sheet with all these two so that you will be more comfortable now once we completewith that we need to start over according to record something we have this four buttonsover here what is a record in another is a password in this is a Stock Analysis and reviewso as to get this record button is used to record of presentation Back to the first screenlet me try to recordsomething for example something like this now when you recording start we can see thatthe number will blink here like 01 02 03 you can hear a blink it now you can see that ourrecording have started you can now explain everything what you are you one see whereis an problem right now because I am using and microphone in some other application toyou may not be visible are you may not be able to hear share the same thing which weare just now discussing on the profile send visa PresentationTube no see I can pause itif I click on positive can see that region button is activated and this time ahead stopto area indicating that the presentation had talked now you can reason that particularpresentation and you can continue our discussion on this.

I understand you cannot process stopbutton if it is in a resume word you always need to cook plate and then you need to stopbutton to stop recording ci4 recorded video of total duration 27 second and now I stoppedit now let's see what happened after you stop it stop of presentation in contrast to theother software the most important beauty offer this particular to leave you can save yourfile let's I am calling this particular file as an am fine in any location where as other Ladies Top with information so you maybe itmay be difficult for YouTube mai search your latest video no I am clicking on save seethat video is confirm properly so now let me see what I record in whether it is properlyvisible or not for to do that you need to click on review try to understand after clickingon review the corresponding software which is different software for playing a videoin your system will open in some system it is VLC but in my system depositary Windowsmedia player now you can see that this is the sleep I recording and you will be ableto hear sound also now let me close this video this is what I want this is perfectly fineso now it's and time to convert that particular video into compatible format to do that firstof all you need to open it known as a VLC so what I am gonna do I am gonna search thatVLC to in my system we can see that video then and now inside that video I am goingto search for cracked Heels can see that window VLC media player now once we open VLC mediaplayer it is and time to convert it as we grow more required in presentation to letme switched off so that the speed can we increase and closing this particular software presentationto listen now close now VLC is open now step number one in case of US This is the file which car we call with thename final draught be able to recall Atit is final that no click on convert button knowafter you click on converter button this is the file properly selected now this is themost important thing you need to select and proper profile profile there are multipleoptions and many among these are compatible with YouTube we can see that these two optionsare very simple to understand video for YouTube HD and video for YouTube s a d i am goingto select and video for YouTube St so that I did you were here and now the last thingto do is to you need to select and destination destination will by default use the same folder Image Sunil to indicate that this is the finalknow you know you should not change a extension you that is not essential to change the extensiononly you need to remember fight and then click on save option know after clicking a saveit will it have not started conversion it so to start a conversation click on startbutton not see the conversion will start it can see that some progress is going on overhere to it will take some time to come to a conclusion and after that see now you cansee that this is an important setting it will ask that file is already there because wecreated it with with that particular setting would you like to override that 40Conversion is in process of conversion is completed the samepopup will come again but this time you should not click on convert again so there poppetshould be selected only for once now you can see that conversion is completed and the popupappeared again so this time I will not click on over right I will simply close this particularthing and I will close this VLC know let's go back to the folder in which we saved thatconverted file as well as original find this is the folder and you can see that deserveto file created and the size of the second Valley significantly reduce it may be thecase because it is because of the competition mechanism used you need not to worry aboutit now try to open the second file with a preferred tool I highly recommend to use a Not and try to see in see specifically relatedthings related to fast.

Is proper or not if it is not then either you need to increasethe font are while capturing with you need to be careful that your resolution will notbe decrease we have used and maximum setting that is HD so that's why quality will notbe degraded a lot now we can see that for entire duration of 28 second it had createdfile of around size 1.

82 m b and it is significantly ok if you create a file which is less thanand duration of an hour because it will not increase more than 200 to 300 the Mac 400to 500 MB file will be created so now last step is to simply transfer this particularfile on YouTube you can use any option on mobile all phone you can click on upload buttonor you can you send your browser to upload that particular fight so that's it for readynow let me stock position over here if you face any further problem let me know I willcapture and remaining part and share it with you so this is about how you can share andhow you can create an presentation representation to Lankan.

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