Coronavirus: Oktoberfest cancelled: BBC News Review
hello and welcome to news review onceagain from our home studios we are in lockdown like many millions of otherpeople but we are still bringing you the
headlines in News Review Catherine is inanother part of London but by the magic of technology we are together hiCatherine I knew hi everyone yes working from homeagain and today's story comes from Germany where a very big festival hasbeen cancelled okay well I wonder what that can be let's find out from this BBCnews report you can perhaps understand why the authorities have made this calland if you've been to Oktoberfest you'll know that those people pack into hugedecorated tents they sit side by side at trestle tables drinking beer and eatingGerman food while listening to German brass bands and the authorities havesimply taken the view that it would be far too great a risk to public health tolet it continue yes the biggest beer festival in the world and also the mostwell-known has been canceled obviously lots of people sitting right next toeach other in a tent drinking beer is not very good for social distancing sothe event is off okay well you've been looking at this story and you havepicked out three words and expressions that we can use to talk about it whathave you got yes we have iconic bitter pill andscrapped iconic bitter pill and scrap so let's start them with your firstheadline please and we're going to the United States first the headline is fromWH IO TV 7 and it reads coronavirus germany cancels iconic oktoberfestamid pandemic iconic very famous represents an idea yes I see oh I seeand if something is iconic it's really well known and it representsa classic of a particular group so for example if you think about worldmonuments all over the world kneel which wand springs to mindimmediately oh wow probably the Eiffel Tower yes Eiffel Tower a lot of peopleknow this it's an iconic world monument so it's very very well known it's alsoiconic of Paris you know if you think of Paris you think of the Eiffel Tower sosomething that's iconic very well-known it's classic and it really representsthat particular group that it belongs to so when it comes to beer festivals theOktoberfest in Germany is known very very well around the world lots ofpeople go to it lots of visitors go to it you can what what do you think ofwhen you think Oktoberfest near what's an image in your mindI think huge litre glasses Stein of beer and those brass bands playing andsausages sausages sausages yes so it's really well known because of its dotbecause of it the way it is the things people do its reputation images aroundit so something that's iconic really represents its its class if you like nowthere's a sort of religious component to this word as well isn't there from thatword icon which is in the adjective iconic yes now the Oktoberfest isn'tabout religion I don't think it has religious connotations but in religiousterms an icon is a statue or a picture of a very important religious figureoften a saint so again it's this idea of representing something of importance andthere's another use of icon as well just a nounicon I see om Neel if you look at your computer can you see any icons oh yes mymy desktop is covered in icons there's one that I click on for my email there'sone that I click on to open a web browser yeah what does it lookcute little your web browser icon well it's a kind of symbol that representsthe thing that will happen when I click on it right yes so you've got apaintbrush that represents changing the color of things having a littlepaintbrush symbol that's right yeah and cons yes I can see how much battery isleft from a little battery icon little battery icon yeah so icons are alsosymbols this idea of representing something on your computer that show youwhat each function does when you click on the icon so useful word icon yes itis and let's have a summary of that useful word now time for our secondheadline please Katherine yes we are now going to the Guardian in the UK theheadline bitter pill barbarian councils Oktoberfest over fears of coronavirusspread bitter pill unpleasant but necessary yesnow near taste let's talk about taste what's your favorite flavor of thingswhat do you like to eat well I suppose I like sweet or savory things yeah youknow things that make your mouth water yes sweets chocolate yeah things thatput a smile on your face when you eat them cheese love it yeah okay becausethey've got nice sweet savory flavors but the opposite of sweet is a veryunpleasant taste isn't there something that's bitter kind of bitter sour if youimagine the expression on someone's face when they sink their teeth into a lemonyeah it's not it's not a pleasant experience do you do your bitter face myyeah I've just done it okay yeah yes bitter bi TT ER refers to a taste orflavor that's very unpleasant now I'm pill neol as well do you liketaking pills well I wouldn't say I like taking them but what they do ismake you feel better generally even if you dislike the experience yes P idouble-l is like it's an it the medicine that comes in tablet form is anotherword for pill is tablet and you take this medicine even though you don't likethe taste often because it has a benefit or because you have to take it so Iremember when I was small Neil I had when I needed some kind of tablets mymum used to crush them up and mix it with Jam because I didn't like the tastethe taste of the pills was bitter it was a bitter pill so it made me betterI knew I had to eat it but I didn't like it a bitter pill is something that youhave to do essentially yeah and your example there was a literal example weuse it figuratively for example perfect example at the moment this lockdown is abitter pill yes there are a lot of things that we're having to do right nowwe don't like doing them but we have to do them because in these cases oftenit's a health and safety things so a bitter pill the expression a bitter pillor a bitter pill to swallow means that something you don't want to do it butyou have to either because it will have a benefit or because you have noalternative it's not what you want to do but you have to do it ok well let's havea summary of that word bitter pill if you would like to see another storythat contains that sense of a bitter pill something you have to do even ifyou don't want to we have one for you don't we Catherine we do now this one isabout combating the effects of global warming it's saying that rich countriesmust pay more to stop global warming to help poor countries some people saythat's a bitter pill to see more click the link ok brilliant now time for ourfinal headline please and illness have line comes from Radio Franceinternational it reads Germany's Oktoberfest scrubbed over virus in blowto beer industry scrapped not continued canceled yesCRA double PE D pronunciation scrapped interestingly it's a sound at the endscrapped yes that's right now to scrap something what does that mean if youscrap something you get rid of it because you no longer needed or you it'sno longer fit for purpose you can't use it anymore usually because it's old orbroken so you might have a piece of equipment in your kitchen that no longerworks you don't want it anymore you can't do anything with it so you scrapit you throw it away maybe to the recycling but it's gone because it'suseless it doesn't work anymore so that's when you scrap something as averb the adjective and the past simple form are scrapped so you can scrapthings literal objects that don't work anymore or you don't want them anymoreyou can also scrap plans or ideas if you scrap a plan you had a plan but you'vedecided not to do it anymore usually because it's no longer possible you hadan idea that we had to scrapped India neo I remember it very well people mayremember that I was obsessed with this idea of developing a English course forcats English for cats episode word went down like a lead balloon we madeone episode and nobody liked it and so we scrapped it was granted we scrub therest of English my cats nevermind Neal it was fun while itlasted I liked it ok let's have a summary of that wordscrap time now for a summary of the words we've looked at today please yeswe had iconic very famous representing a particular idea bitter pill unpleasantbut necessary scrapped not continued or cancelled why not test yourself on thisvocabulary there's a quiz on our website BBC learning english.comgoodbye stay safe bye.
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