Coronavirus: 99-year-old man raises millions for NHS: BBC News Review
hello and welcome to news of you onceagain we are still at home of course because of the corona virus outbreak wecan't go to the BBC studios but we are here from our homes bringing you thenews and the headlines hi Catherine how are you
hello name hello everybody yesI'm fine thank you we have got a really heartwarming story heaven way today wehave yes 99 year old captain Tom Moore has been raising money for charity bywalking round and round his garden ok well let's find out some more about thatstory from this BBC news report when captain Moore started his fundraisingeffort last month he initially wanted to thank the staff who treated him forcancer and a broken hip but as the virus spread around the world so too didgenerosity for those working in crowded hospitalseach time the fundraising goal was met it was increased mr.
Moore has nowwalked the 100 laps of his 25 meter garden 10 laps each day allowing time torecover before another effort and he says he will keep walking as long aspeople keep donating so captain Tom 99 years old he's been walking around hisgarden to raise money for the National Health Service also known as NHS here inthe UK now his original target was to raise one thousand pounds but right nowas Neil and I are recording this show he's raised over 12 million poundsthat's about 15 million dollars for the NHS it's an amazing achievementespecially considering his age he's 99 and his health problems he's alreadybeaten cancer and he's had several hip operations so he's a wonderful guyraising lots of money for charity and he's doing this because he wants to saythank you to the National Health Service workers who've helped both him out andare helping out thousands of people who are suffering from the coronavirus okaywell you've been looking at this story and you've been picking outheadlines and vocabulary that's useful to talk about it what have you foundyes we have fundraiser uplifting and vet fundraiser uplifting and vet okay let'ssee your first headline please yes we're going to BBC views here in the UKcoronavirus captain Tom Maas NHS fundraiser reaches 12 million poundsfundraiser event organized to raise money yes it's a two-word expressionfund and raiser fu nd Rai ser now the first part of this expression fundrefers to money second part raiser while we know the word raise if you raisesomething you make it go up so fundraiser means money going up andthat's it you make money if a fundraiser is an event that makes money now inparticular fundraisers make money for charity or for good causes so Neilimagine there is in your street there is somebody who has a health problem yeahand they want some treatment and you want to help them make to get some moneyfor this treatment what kind of things could you do as a fundraiser welltypical kind of things could be for example I might decide to take part in amarathon or some some kind of difficult physical challenge that people wouldgive me money and that money would go towards the cause or might organize somekind of event in the evening where people pay money for a ticket yeah andthe money from those tickets goes towards the good cause well there mightbe an auction or something along those lines yeahgood sounds something yes or people also some people cook they bake cakes andthey sell them and the money they make from the cake sale goes towards aparticular charity or a cause so it's make doing something that makes moneyfor a charity or a good cause that's not the end of the fundraiser story that areother ways you can use the word fundraiser we talk about politicalfundraisers now the idea is the same you do an event that makes money but it goesto a political party of your choice so it's not quite the same as money for youknow stray cats or people who were real or making and you roof for the school orsomething like that but a political fundraiser is an event that makes moneyfor a political party yeah and also we use this word to refer to the person whois raising the funds yes so captain Tom Moore is a fundraiserhe's organized a fundraiser the event because he is a fundraiser somebodywho's making money and this is actually a job description as well you can be apaid fundraiser that's somebody who organizes events to make money forparticular charities okay brilliant let's have a summary of that word now time for our second headline pleaseKatherine yes we are going now to the Express and star still in the UK theheadline uplifting news drumming weatherman goes viral andveterans fundraiser hits 11 million pounds uplifting making people feelhappier yes and it's two words again up lifted you P LIF TI ng written there'sone word first pot is up and that's the oppositeof down up lifting is the act of making something go higher so if you liftingsomething up you're making it higher put them together uplifting but this isabout the way people feel it's about your feelings your mood if something isuplifting it makes your mood or your feelingbetter it makes you happy yeah and this is we're talking a figuratively herearen't we yes absolutely it isn't about and nothing comes along and hold you andmakes you go higher it's very sort of idiomatic idea of your spirits yourfeeling your mood you just feel good you can talk about lots of things can beopening the I love you what was the last uplifting movie you saw oh well thereare plenty of uplifting movies around out then songs can be uplifting as wellbut I think the most uplifting things I've heard or seen recently are some ofthese stories that have come out of the coronavirus crisis for example the thesinging on the balconies in Italy and playing guitars and stuffthe Rainbows the children have been making and then here in the UK everyThursday at 8 o'clock people go on to their out into the street or stand intheir front doors and they clap to say thank you to the health workers who arehelping people in this terrible crisis all of those things are really upliftingthey are very uplifting things they make you really feelgood and that kind of another word for uplifting we can talk about heartwarmingif something's heartwarming it's the same idea it makes you feel a little bithappy and fuzzy inside it makes you feel good so uplifting or heartwarming thethings that make you happy and feel good really important at times like thesevery much so yeah okay let's have a summary of that so talking of thingsthat are uplifting we have an uplifting hopefully video for you don't weCatherine we do so we thought we would share with you the kind of things thatwe've been doing to keep busy while we're all at home so if you want to findout what Neil's been doing amongst other babysitting's English stuff click thelink in the description and you can find out and it's not what you expect no itdoes involve cucumbers though okay let's have a look at our final headline pleaseokay and we're finishing up today with Sky News from the UK again ninety nineyear old war vet raises millions for NHS that person who used to be in the ArmedForces you confused deal by this way well asyou can imagine Catherine I'm very very confused because I thought a vet wassome kind of animal doctor yes that ve T is an animal doctor it's short forveterinarian but this particular 99 year old is not an animal doctor he's a warvet now vet in this case is short for veteran ve ter a N and if you're a warveteran or a war vet you have been that you have fought in a war it comes reallyfrom the United States it comes from North America doesn't it originally butwe know what it means over here in the UK yes most certainly there was onpeople often talked about Vietnam people who fought in the Vietnam Warfrom America but it's common now in the UK you can often use an adjective oranother noun in front of it so you've got war vet means somebody who fought ina war you can talk about an army vet somebody who was in there in the unitein the army a Navy vet an Air Force vet so somebody who used to be in the ArmedForces it also has a wider usage doesn't it beyond the military just to meansomebody who is probably old and very experienced in their particular fieldyes it does yes so you can be a vet in your profession and still do yourprofession or often we'll use the word veteran for this purpose so you can be abroadcasting veteran that means somebody who's been doing TV or online or radiofor a long long time they're still doing it everybody knows who they are they'revery well respected they're kind of senior in their profession so you can bea broadcasting veteran somebody like David Attenborough is a broadcasting vetyou kneeled you keep going for a few years and one day maybe one day I willbe you will you're not far off it now there were you now now you'll soon beabroad a living english veteran okay let's have a summary of that please find out for a summary of the vocabularywe've looked at today please Katherine yes we had fundraiser event organized tomake money we had uplifting making people feel happier and we had vetperson who used to be in the Armed Forces if you want to test yourself onthis vocabulary there's a quiz you can take on our website BBC learningenglish.
com you can find all kinds of other thingsvideos quizzes to help you improve your English do stay safe everybody and we'llsee you next time goodbye say bye.
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